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Kati Hampton, ND

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Support your journey to optimal health& wellness

General Wellness Visit (1 hour)- $150

Includes: Comprehensive review of lab work and imaging, in-depth analysis of health concerns and goals, includes homeopathic, herbal, and nutrition recommendations.

Follow-Up Consult (30 mins) $75

Continue your journey to wellness with our follow-up appointments, assess progress since your last visit, adjust and refine your personalized recommended plan, address any new developments or concerns, and provide ongoing support for your health goals.

Energy Work (1 hr) $75

Certified Reiki Practitioner, Experience the profound benefits of this ancient Japanese technique; restore balance and harmony to your energy centers, promote relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity.

HeartMath Consultation (1 hour) $100

Dive into the science of heart coherence and learn practical techniques to harmonize your heart rhythms, promoting emotional resilience and inner harmony. Evaluation and consultation for homeopathic and/or herbal remedies to support HeartMath exercises also included.

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Price for supplements and lab work not included.

What is natural medicine?

Natural medicine encompasses various holistic approaches to health and healing, focusing on natural remedies and therapies to support the body's innate ability to heal itself.

Does natural medicine work?

Natural medicine has been found effective for many individuals in promoting overall wellness and addressing specific health concerns. However, outcomes may vary depending on individual factors and the specific condition being treated.

What are the benefits of natural medicine?

The benefits of natural medicine include reduced risk of side effects, personalized treatment plans, focus on root causes, improved overall

well-being, and support for the body's natural healing processes.

How to use natural medicine safely?

To use natural medicine safely, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner, inform them of any existing health conditions or medications, follow recommended dosages, and purchase high-quality supplements from reputable sources.

What are some natural remedies for [specific condition]?

Natural remedies for specific conditions vary depending on the ailment but may include herbal supplements, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, acupuncture, chiropractic care, and mind-body practices like yoga or meditation.

Are there any natural supplements for [specific condition]?

Yes, there are natural supplements available for various health conditions. Examples include turmeric for inflammation, ginger for nausea, and

valerian root for sleep support. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

What are the side effects of natural medicine?

While natural medicine typically has fewer side effects compared to conventional medications, some individuals may experience allergic reactions, digestive upset, or interactions with other medications. It's essential to discuss potential side effects with a healthcare provider.

Can natural medicine help with [specific symptom]?

Natural medicine approaches can often help alleviate specific symptoms by addressing underlying imbalances in the body. However, the

effectiveness may vary depending on the individual and the nature of the symptom.

Is natural medicine safe during pregnancy?

Some natural medicine modalities and remedies may be safe during pregnancy, while others may pose risks. It's crucial for pregnant individuals

to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using any natural remedies or supplements to ensure safety for both mother and baby.

Alternative medicine and acupuncture

Herbal Remedies

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal Medicine

Curious about herbal medicine? Herbal medicine involves using nutritional supplements derived from natural plants and botanicals. For thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has harnessed the power of herbs for disease treatment and health management.

Wondering about types of herbal remedies?

Some common herbal remedies include:

Echinacea for immune support, Goldenseal for its antiseptic properties,

Black cohosh for menopausal symptoms, Ginkgo Biloba for circulation and memory,

and Ginseng for body tone, stress relief, and energy.

Alternative medicine and acupuncture

Kati provides personalized recommendations to meet your specific health needs.

Unsure where to start?

Kati, a registered nurse and naturopath, conducts assessments thorough consultations, spending ample time understanding your health goals, concerns, medical history, lifestyle, and diet.

During your evaluation, she will discuss your current medications and supplements to avoid possible interactions and/or contraindications. Based on the information gathered during your consultation,

Kati creates a tailored plan to help you achieve your wellness goals.

She monitors your response and adjusts the plan as needed.

Embrace herbal remedies as a natural option to manage your health and wellness.

Let Kati craft a holistic wellness plan designed just for you.

Virtual Appointments Available

The information provided during sessions is not intended to replace medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It's important to maintain an open line of communication with your medical provider regarding any medications or treatments prescribed. I will never recommend altering or discontinuing any medications without consulting your healthcare provider first. My role is to provide holistic guidance and support complementary to your existing healthcare plan, fostering a collaborative approach to your well-being. Always consult with your healthcare professional for personalized advice tailored to your individual health needs.

Copyright 2024 Heartful Living Wellness

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